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ISSN 2317-6660 versión online



Editorial and publishing policies

Ciência & Cultura connects science to all aspects of our lives, leading us to new ways of thinking and new connections. It aims to be an essential source of information and ideas, exceeding the limits of the academic. Its thematic editions combine science, culture, technology, innovation, art, and philosophy in stories told by scientists, journalists, and thinkers, informing and delighting the readers. Thus, articles and essays published in the journal must use attractive and captivating language. The points of view must be presented clearly and concisely, in non-specialized language, allowing readers from different areas to understand them, thus expanding the communication of science. All texts are rigorously edited and verified by our Editorial and Scientific Board. The quality of the text, information and relevance of articles and essays are essential for their approval. The formatting of the articles must follow the rules published below.

Note: Articles are accepted only by invitation from the Editor.

Information: Contact the newsroom via e-mail:



It must contain a maximum of 15 words and express the article's content.

It must contain between 200 and 250 words and explain, in an informative manner and without enumeration of topics, the general theme, and research problem; objectives and methodology used; main results; and conclusions. It is recommended to use a single paragraph, active voice, and third-person singular, concise, and affirmative sentences. The journal does not request an English version of the abstract upon delivery of the originals.

The author (s) must provide three to five keywords.

Texts must have between 16,000 and 18,000 characters with space.

The acronyms in the text must always appear in full the first time they are used.

To facilitate reading and make it more interesting, it is highly recommended to use a hyperlink to consulted sources (such as facts, figures, and quotes).

It is not mandatory to send images (photos, figures, illustrations, etc.). If the author chooses to send them, the images (photos, drawings, illustrations, etc.) must be in JPG format with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. The name of each file must match the name of the image (e.g., Graphic 1). Images must be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the sequence in which they appear and must always be referred to in the text. Above each figure, its title must appear, and immediately below, its respective captions and sources. When the material is original from the research, it must be indicated with “Source: research data”, or “Source: own elaboration”. If the image is not original, the source must be cited. It is recommended to send a maximum of 5 images.

It is not mandatory to send tables, charts, or graphs. If the author chooses to send them, they must be sent in their original and editable files (files in image format will not be accepted), and in the same text file (in WORD), at the end of the document.

The author's signature should come just below the title, along with their qualifications and affiliations. Example: José da Silva is a biologist, professor at the Institute of Biochemistry at the University of São Paulo (USP), and president of the Research Center in Molecular Biology at the XYZ Institute. He was director of the X Higher Council of Ministry Y from 1980 to 1982. The author must also send the link to his Lattes curriculum and other digital media that he wishes to disclose.

Deadlines and review:
Although there is no peer review, all texts will be evaluated by our Editors. The quality of the text, information, and relevance of articles and essays are essential for their approval. Once approved, the manuscripts will go through a review process, and then they will be sent back for checking and author approval. If there is a need for changes, the texts must return within a maximum of 48 hours with the author's approval to be finally published.

References must be presented according to the Vancouver standard: citations and references will be numerically indexed in the text, in ascending order, and will appear at the end of the article, under the heading References. The adopted reference standard is exemplified below:


1. Wilkinson IB, Raine T, Wiles K, Goodhart A, Hall C, O’Neill H. Oxford handbook of clinical medicine. 10th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2017.

Book chapter

2. Darden L. Mechanisms and models. In: Hull DL, Ruse M, editors. The Cambridge companion to the philosophy of biology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2008. p. 139–159.


3. Bute M. A backstage sociologist: Autoethnography and a populist vision. Am Soc. 2016 Mar 23; 47(4):499–515. Available from: doi:10.1007/s12108-016-9307-z


4. Cancer Research UK. Current research into breast cancer [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2020 Feb 14]. Available from:


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